Filmmaker Braxton Wallis

The Cinematic Tapestry of Braxton Wallis

Through his lens, Braxton Wallis captures the raw beauty of everyday life, offering a glimpse into the heart of America.
Filmmaker Alex Armitage

Roaming with Rocinante: A Cinematic Adventure with Alex Armitage

Embark on an adventure with filmmaker and photographer Alex Armitage as he shares insights on inspiration, advice for aspiring creators,…

Eddie Gilbert on Building Stories and Community Through Film and Photography

Eddie Gilbert passionately fosters a vibrant community in filmmaking and photography. Always exploring new stories with a camera in-hand, he…
Filmmaker John Stambaugh

The Storytelling Journey of Filmmaker and Photographer John Stambaugh

Dedicated to crafting grounded and meaningful films, John Stambaugh is both a filmmaker and educator who utilizes music to accentuate…
Brady Bessette Filmmaker

Behind the Frame: Exploring Cinematic Storytelling with Brady Bessette

Brady Bessette discusses inspiration, storytelling essentials, and the pivotal role of music in his captivating cinematography.
Gione da Silva Filmmaker

An Insight into the World of Filmmaker Gione da Silva

Delve into the captivating world of filmmaker Gione da Silva as he shares his journey, passion, and insights into visual…
Frederik Trovatten filmmaker

Frederik Trovatten’s Journey from Documentary Photography to Filmmaking

Explore Frederik Trovatten's journey from National Geographic photographer to acclaimed filmmaker, discovering his secrets to visually captivating stories.
Steven Schultz Filmmaker

The Multifaceted Vision of Chicago’s Director and DP, Steven Schultz

Discover how Steven Schultz blends his photography and graphic design expertise into his captivating filmmaking process, exploring a realm where…
Filmmaker Antoine Janssens

An Adventure Through the Lens of Photographer and Filmmaker Antoine Janssens

From Iceland to Namibia, to Copenhagen and Dubai and more, Antoine Janssens specializes in capturing the unique beauty of locations…
Faizal Westcott multi-genre artist

Capturing Life Through The Lens of Faizal Westcott

Faizal Westcott is a multi genre artist, photographer, and YouTuber.