Pre-Pro to Wrap: Behind Our Filmmaking Process

For the past year we’ve been traveling around the world making short films about filmmakers and musicians, capturing amazing creatives…

A Conversation with Two Bearded Men

Where Tim Pierce and Toby Crawford are tells you a lot about who they are. It’s not just that they…

A Letter from Musicbed CEO

When you think about it, filmmaking and music making aren’t all that different. The processes used to create songs and…

Introducing a Rebuilt, Redesigned Musicbed

Our latest update isn’t just some minor facelift. We’ve completely rebuilt our platform with brand-new tools, features, workflow, and design…

Initiate Title Sequence: A Conversation with Chris Billig

A good title sequence not only introduces a TV show or a film, it expands it, interprets it, becomes an…

Lessons from Hollywood: Loglines

Whatever your feelings about Hollywood, it’s impossible to deny its influence on all of us. Even though many purposefully disregard…

The New Stock Market: Announcing Filmsupply

You can always tell when someone makes something simply for the love of it. It has this quality that can’t…

The Art of Travel Films: A Conversation with Brandon Li

In his or her own way, almost every person in the world is a travel filmmaker. When people find themselves…

How to Create Authentic Marketing Through Film

Tom Aiello and Daniel Chestnut (otherwise known as Process Creative) are breaking a lot of rules. While most marketers would…

Creative Partnership

For most creatives, healthy working relationships are a rare gift. There’s a lot working against us: Egos. Pressure. Deadlines. Differences…